
The Client

NetResponders stands at the forefront of operational efficiency in emergency management services, with a vision to enhance the effectiveness and integration of emergency services through innovative digital solutions. They provide a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline data collection and operations management across multiple facets of emergency response, including apparatus management, EMS equipment, training programs, digital signage, and station logistics. By leveraging advanced technology, NetResponders ensures that all components of emergency management work in unison, thus reducing costs and saving valuable time.

The Challenge

NetResponders faced the task of seamlessly integrating their digital signage systems with real-time emergency alerts provided by Active911. While Active911 efficiently gathered and distributed emergency notifications, integrating these alerts with digital signage posed a significant challenge. The objective was to ensure that pertinent information concerning emergencies—such as fires, medical incidents, or natural disasters—would be automatically displayed across digital screens strategically placed throughout fire stations within the community.

The Solution

To address this integration challenge, NetResponders partnered with Pickcel, a leader in digital signage solutions. Pickcel offered a robust platform that could support the dynamic needs of emergency alert systems. Through collaborative efforts, they developed a custom solution that involved leveraging an Application Programming Interface (API) provided by Pickcel.

This API was specifically designed to receive emergency notifications from NetResponders' integration with Active911. Once an alert was issued, the API facilitated the immediate distribution of these alerts across various digital signage screens, which were strategically tagged within the network. This tagging system ensured that the alerts were displayed only on relevant screens, thus optimizing the reach and impact of every emergency notification.

Key Benefits

  • Real-time updates:Live updates pushed to digital screens ensured that emergency responders received timely information, vital during crises.
  • Targeted alerts: Location-specific tagging enabled the display of relevant alerts in designated areas within fire stations, optimizing response readiness.
  • Reduced response time: Streamlined information flow enabled quicker response times from emergency teams, providing instant notifications about the nature and location of emergencies.
  • Enhance situational awareness: Displaying a Google Street View of the incident location, provided firefighters with visual context of incident locations, helping them better understand their surroundings and make more informed decisions during emergency response scenarios.

The Result

The collaborative effort between NetResponders and Pickcel revolutionized how emergency information was managed and disseminated within fire stations. Following the implementation of this integrated digital signage system, NetResponders witnessed significant improvements in operational response times and engagement among firefighters during emergencies. Firefighters were better equipped with enhanced situational awareness and improved decision-making abilities, ensuring they could act swiftly and decisively.